New Spaceheads Album out on October 21st

Spaceheads release their first full length album in over 10 years on Electric Brass Records on October 21st.

Called “A Short Ride on the Arrow of Time” it captures Andy and Richard at what they do best – improvising live in the studio with no script and no plan.

Arrow of Time cover

The Album is released on vinyl (EBR004) and CD (EBR005) and is made up of four 20 minute studio jams referred to as Continuums.

Continuum 3 is exclusive to the vinyl version and will not be available in any other format.

More info with videos and pre-order information at the spaceheads website


Electric Brass records is a record label and musical hub dedicated to the sound of electric brass. The weird, the wired and the wonderful. Keep it eclectic - Keep it electric!

Miles Davis